Don’t most children just get what they want nowadays so there is no need for an allowance? Maybe for some, but I am sure that has always been said. Here are the pros, cons, and a blended approach of an allowance: Pros: Value of money: An allowance can help children to realize the value of […]
Business Lessons from a Paperboy
I was a paperboy when I was a kid and I also mowed some of my neighbors’ lawns. These are two activities that have become extinct in modern times. I was fortunate to learn some good business lessons from these entrepreneurial endeavors. The value of money : If I worked not only hard, but did […]
Does Money Really Matter? 3 Different Views
People tend to fall into 3 different categories of how they view money, which ultimately impacts how they manage it. How important should it be to you? Love of money/materialism: Thus is the most extreme view whereas you practically worship money. Earning more and obtaining more just to earn more and have more. It can […]
9 Ways to Reduce Your Money Worries
When we lack money it creates a lot of stress and anxiety, and can be a source of tension in relationships. But how can we make our money work for us? Here are several ways we can take more control of our money to reduce our stresses: Change your thoughts: Reframe the way you think […]
Be Careful Who You Loan Money To
A friend is in a pickle and asks you for a loan of $5,000 because they hit some hard times and have some bills to pay. Do you help out your friend and say yes, or simply say no. If you say no, then your friend may get upset, get behind with bills, but hopefully they […]