Happy Thanksgiving! We should always be thankful for everything in our lives, including people, things, and accomplishments. Sometimes we take our accomplishments for granted, and it is good to examine the past to see just how far you have come. Here are some examples: New home: Whether you just purchased your first home or moved […]
Archives for November 2019
5 Habits for a Healthy Business and 3 Unhealthy Habits to Avoid
Our habits are repeated actions that we take, and have a tremendous impact on our results. Healthy habits become ingrained within us and we continue to do them with little thought or resistance over time. What are some practical, easy habits to ensure a healthy business and also the habits to avoid? Healthy Habits: Schedule […]
Help Your Employees Succeed in 5 Steps
One of the common topics that I discuss when advising business owners is that of employees. From finding employees, keeping employees, and sometimes letting employees go. Dealing with employees can be difficult because we are people with emotions, problems, families, health issues, and also have lives outside of work. As a business owner and manager, […]
Try to Move the Needle Just a Little Bit
Do you want to make big massive changes? From growing your sales, increasing profits, working less hours to even losing weight, it seems daunting, but here’s how to get started: Habits: When you want to change something drastically, it all starts with your habits. Incorporate new habits into your routine, and replace the old habits […]
Don’t Focus on the Wrong Things
What we focus on gets our time, energy, and attention, but how do we know what to focus on to amplify our financial results? Reactive items: Sometimes there will be an event that needs to be dealt with immediately, but most of the time this is not the case. If you find that you are […]