The IRS has some useful tools on their website Be careful to make sure you use .gov after typing irs. Here are some of the tools: Where’s My Refund? To track the status of your refund after filing your individual return, click on Get your refund status. You will need: Make a Payment You […]
4 Business Risks You Need to be Aware Of
Business is about taking risks to earn a profit. However, there are some risks that can creep up on you slowly or swiftly that can either destroy or greatly damage your business. Health Issues: As we get older, health issues become a larger risk. Common and sudden issues can include heart attacks and strokes. The […]
I Was Scammed
Even the smart professional gets scammed every now and then. I’m supposed to be impervious to anything related to parting with money foolishly. How humbling . . . Fortunately, I didn’t fall for a huge scam, but I fell for it nonetheless. How did this happen? The scam penetrated my ultimate weakness; not thinking clearly […]
10 Small Improvements That Have a Big Profit Impact
Improvements do not have to take an enormous effort to make a huge impact on your profits. Sometimes it’s the small things that add up over time. Here are 10 simple improvements that can have a significant impact on your profits: Schedule work better: Are you wasting time by scheduling work poorly? For example, do […]
Are You Too Financially Cautious?
Is it possible to be too financially cautious? Cautious does not mean that you are just conservative or frugal with your money, but that you are too afraid to spend your money wisely. You may not even be aware that you are too cautious and here are some examples: Hesitate to make the right investments: […]
Help Your Employees Succeed in 5 Steps
One of the common topics that I discuss when advising business owners is that of employees. From finding employees, keeping employees, and sometimes letting employees go. Dealing with employees can be difficult because we are people with emotions, problems, families, health issues, and also have lives outside of work. As a business owner and manager, […]
The 3 Pillars
A business has many moving parts that must all be coordinated to ensure smooth and profitable operations. Usually, there are aspects of a business that are either completely ignored or not given the time, energy and focus that they need. These moving parts can be broken down into 3 major areas: operations, marketing, and financial. […]
Why Does a Fast Growing Company Bleed Cash?
The irony of growing a company quickly is that it tends to bleed cash, and a lot of it. Why is this so and what can you do to prevent a cash crunch to keep the momentum going? A fast Growing company is likely to spend more money to feed the growth of the business […]
You Get What You Pay For
I like a good deal when I see one, but be careful about going for the “cheap” price. Generally, you get what you pay for and many times it ends up costing you more and you either don’t realize this or realize it once it’s too late. Even commodity type services and products are not […]
What is a Growing Business Doing Differently than a Struggling One?
There are major differences between the actions of a business owner with a growing business versus that of a struggling business. There seems to be a recurring theme for growing and struggling that closely mimics those who are fit and healthy versus those who struggle with their weight. The accumulation of certain actions will greatly […]