It is very easy to spend a lot more money than you should. Between ATM cards, credit cards, and online shopping, it seems that your money leaves your bank account automatically (actually, it sometimes does)! The point is to make sure that you are spending and saving money on the things that are important in […]
Archives for December 2014
Your IRA is a Tax Time Bomb
Individual retirement accounts, also commonly referred to as IRA’s, are a great way to save for retirement and potentially reduce your current taxes. Although these benefits are great, there is a tremendous downside that can impact you if you make a wrong move. Early Withdrawal Penalty: If you need to withdraw money from your IRA […]
The Smartest Money You Ever Spent
Spend, spend, and then spend some more. We all spend money, but what if we looked at spending money in specific ways to earn more money and improve our lives at the same time? Although not usually considered investments, there are ways to spend money to earn more. College Education: The cost of college has […]
Common Questions & Answers
Tax season is just about upon us, and here are some common questions our clients have: Q: Does an extension also extend the amount of time I have to pay my taxes? A: An extension only extends the amount of time to file your return, but if you owe taxes, then you will incur penalties […]