The irony of growing a company quickly is that it tends to bleed cash, and a lot of it. Why is this so and what can you do to prevent a cash crunch to keep the momentum going? A fast Growing company is likely to spend more money to feed the growth of the business […]
Archives for September 2019
How Long Will it Take to Double Your Sales?
Doubling your sales is an ambitious goal for most business owners, but is this practical and if so, how long will it take? It is not as difficult as it seems if you break it down into smaller components, such as the average percent increase that is needed each year to double your sales. Here […]
You Get What You Pay For
I like a good deal when I see one, but be careful about going for the “cheap” price. Generally, you get what you pay for and many times it ends up costing you more and you either don’t realize this or realize it once it’s too late. Even commodity type services and products are not […]