A common struggle is balancing spending time on your business to make more money and a focus on your family. Should you sacrifice your family time to make more money? There will be times in your life when you need to spend more time on your business due to reasons such as seasonality of the […]
Are You Striving Too Hard or Too Little?
There is nothing wrong with striving to have financial success but be careful of taking it too far. The opposite can also be true, whereas you don’t strive enough, which can create another set of problems. Here are some signs of each: Signs You are Striving too Hard You work an excessive amount of hours […]
5 Risks to be Aware of that Will Hurt Your Finances
There are ups and downs in life, good times and bad, and everything in between. Unfortunately, some events can hurt your finances in a significant way and may even be beyond your control. What are some of these risks to be aware of and what can you control? Health Issues As we become older, there […]
Hate Your Job, Make Less Money and Be Unhappy?
There is a recurring theme that I keep on hearing about love/hate relationships with jobs. It’s only anecdotal, but are job haters unhappy and make less money than those with high job satisfaction? What are the possible reasons and what can you do about it? Difference between a difficult job and hating your job There […]
3 Things MBA’s Don’t Learn in School
Obtaining an MBA is quite an accomplishment and is something to be proud of. However, there are 3 eye-opening things they don’t teach MBA’s in school, especially when running a small business. You’re probably so smart that you’re not Intelligence and knowledge are extremely useful in life, but it can also be a liability. What […]
I Took the Day Off and You Should Too
Technology is absolutely wonderful at times. This is one of those times because I took the day off today, but still didn’t miss my goal of writing one post per week. Everyone needs a day off, a week off, or even a month off and here are 5 reasons why: Rest and Recuperate After working […]
Wanna Be More Comfortable Financially?
Isn’t this what everyone says, that they want to be more comfortable financially? There are two ironies that are common with this thought, but you can do something about it. Scenario #1 In this scenario you are making a good living, saving plenty, built up a good portfolio of assets, and have little to no […]
Do You Make a Good Living and are Actually Poor? You Probably Need to Stop Doing These 3 Things.
We spend so much of our time working, working, and then working some more to make a good living, but do you have anything to show for it? I don’t mean showing off, but rather having a strong financial foundation with minimal debts, savings, investments, and other valuable assets. If not, then keep reading . […]
The Differences Between How Men and Women Manage a Business
There are differences between how men and women manage their business, their employees, and their finances. What are these differences and does it matter? Do you really think that I am brave enough (or foolish enough) to write an article with a topic like this?! Maybe for another day. If you like what you just […]
Want a Quick Productivity Increase in 3 Steps?
Are you trying to get things done, but don’t seem to ever get ahead? Try these out for a quick and almost instant boost to your productivity. Step #1: Stop Following the Shiny Object There is a great amount of pressure to work on the newest task at hand while ignoring all of the other […]