Google AdWords, Facebook ads, Instagram, and email marketing, are just some of the modern ways to market your business. We are told by social media experts that traditional, old-school marketing does not work anymore. Let’s take a closer look, especially as some digital marketing methods have become overly saturated. Some traditional marketing methods work better […]
Archives for July 2019
The Lifeblood of Your Business
There is one critical aspect of your business that you cannot underestimate or take for granted. It’s not marketing or accounting, although these are important and critical also. It’s . . . Your employees! Customer service: Depending upon your role in your business, they probably have much more interaction with your customers than you do. […]
The Secret Formula for Financial Happiness
Is there really a secret formula for financial happiness? If so, it would look like this: Income = $100 Spending = $90 Result = Financial happiness Alternatively: Income = $100 Spending = $110 Result = Not too happy financially (at least not for long) Simple, but true. If you like what you just read then […]