There are a few things that I noticed over the years that seem to contradict each other regarding money worries. There seems to be a link between being charitable, concerns over saving too much, and stress about money. Charitable giving: some people make a lot of money and give little to nothing to charity, especially […]
Archives for March 2019
If You Are Looking for a Good Business Partner Then Pay Attention to What They Do, Not What They Say
Running a business is probably one of the most challenging, while equally rewarding endeavors that only the brave embark on. Some go at it alone, while others choose a business partner because sometimes 1 + 1 = 3 or 5 or 10. However, before choosing a partner you must minimize the risk of choosing the […]
When Should Your Parents Stop Being Involved in Your Financial Affairs?
Our parents raised us and shaped who we are today, and there is probably nothing that we can do in comparison to what our parents did for us, except for perhaps raise our own children well. But, when should our parents stop taking charge of our finances, career and/or business? It is a good for […]
A Silly Trap When Trying to Pay Off Debt
I have had numerous clients tell me that they are paying off their debts early, whether it is a student loan, car loan or mortgage, which is very admirable. However, they really aren’t paying off their loans early. How can this be and why? The reason is simple. They are not actually paying off their […]
Is Debt Good or Bad?
What are we to believe? Is debt good or bad? On one extreme are some financial pundits that say to go into debt and use other people’s money to make money, and on the other extreme are experts that believe that any form of debt is bad. Who should we listen to? Ignoring the rare […]