No one wants to think of the inevitable, but there are some basic points regarding estate planning we should all know. There are complex trusts and gifting strategies that can be incorporated, but let’s talk about first things first. Do you have a will? How do you own your assets? Are your beneficiaries updated in […]
Estate planning
Estate Planning Mistakes
You don’t have to be wealthy to make sure your financial affairs are in order nor is estate planning just about minimizing taxes. Estate planning insures that your loved ones are taken care of and your intentions are carried out. Not Having a Will: A will not only spells out how your assets will be […]
Don’t Make These Mistakes
With all of the financial and tax laws, changes to the laws, and life changes it is almost impossible to stay on top of everything. We have to constantly assess our situation all of the time. Here are a few things to consider: Wills, Beneficiaries and Estate Matters: Did you recently get married, have children, […]