Is that a contradiction, especially if you are a retailer? Aside from retailers and the hecticness from all the holiday shopping, the holidays can go somewhat smoothly for your business. Here are a few ideas for non-retailers and those businesses that are not absolutely crazy during the Holidays:
Schedule time off: Some businesses close during the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Others take that time off and encourage employees to do the same. It is usually quiet during those times anyway. It can be a good way to recharge and connect with family.
Out of office messages/holiday hours: Make sure you have automated messages on your voicemail or email to let customers and vendors know that you are not in the office and/or if you will be checking messages periodically. If there is someone else that can return calls and/or emails, then include that person in your out of office message. Lastly, don’t forget to update your hours on Google and on your website.
Use the time to catch-up: If your business is a little slower, then take this as an opportunity to catch-up on some important, non-urgent items.
Schedule days and times to do your shopping: Schedule your shopping times so you do not feel as though you are constantly in shopping mode. This will help you to be more planned with the time you spend away from your business.
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