Obtaining an MBA is quite an accomplishment and is something to be proud of. However, there are 3 eye-opening things they don’t teach MBA’s in school, especially when running a small business. You’re probably so smart that you’re not Intelligence and knowledge are extremely useful in life, but it can also be a liability. What […]
Struggling Business Fail to Spend Money on These 3 Things
There are characteristics of successful business and also for struggling businesses. It is almost as if they do the exact opposite of each other. Three areas that struggling business owners tend to ignore because they see them as costs instead of improvements to support and grow their business are technology, people, and infrastructure/equipment. Let’s take […]
Do You Have Too Many Customers?
What do you think is better, 100 customers or 200 customers? It might actually be the lower number, and I’ll explain why. Let’s say that a small business provides landscaping and maintenance services for both businesses and for residential customers. Most of the customers are within a reasonable driving distance from the main office, and […]